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BC.Game Slogan Competition! Prize = 1 ETH!!


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On 23/7/2020 at 05:24, akdevin58 said:

1) Chúc bạn vui vẻ , nơi cái tên nói lên TẤT CẢ !


Thưởng thức một trò chơi , tại BC.Game !



2) Đừng khập khiễng ..

Hãy thử vận may của bạn  tại một trong những trò chơi BitCoin  của chúng tôi ,  tại  BC.GAME !

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On 22/7/2020 at 10:39, Coco_Father said:

Concurso de lemas del juego BC.


¡El premio al mejor eslogan es 1 ETH!


Nos hemos estado devanando los sesos tratando de encontrar el mejor eslogan para BC.Game. Un eslogan que captura la esencia misma de lo que es BC.Game. Dado que ninguno de nosotros es lo suficientemente maduro como para idear un eslogan real que no implique algo inapropiado, o en el caso de Coco, completamente NSFW, decidimos llamarlo. Nuestra asombrosa y creativa comunidad que nunca nos ha defraudado ni ha dejado de cumplir. Así que pon a trabajar tu genialidad colectiva y tráenos el mejor eslogan que puedas imaginar. 


  • Máximo 2 lemas por jugador .  

  • La recompensa es 1 ETH.

  • Si hay dos eslóganes que son muy similares, el que se publique primero obtendrá el premio.

  • Si edita su publicación, la marca de tiempo de la edición se utilizará para determinar qué publicación se realizó primero, en el caso de eslóganes similares. 

  • Los administradores serán los jueces.


Esperamos ver lo que se le ocurra. Sé que será mejor que el mío, que era, "BC.game Gamble Gamble" o Coco's, que ni siquiera puedo escribir porque era tan NSFW que tendría que prohibirme por repetirlo.


Aquí hay algunos ejemplos, el eslogan debe ser fuerte y conciso.

Nike solo hazlo.
Apple: piensa diferente.
Wendy's - ¿Dónde está la carne?
Coca-Cola - Felicidad abierta.
L'Oreal: porque lo vales.
M & Ms: se derrite en la boca, no en las manos.
De Beers - Un diamante es para siempre.
Wheaties - El desayuno de los campeones.

BC.games BOOM CRYPTO¿Que esperas? Un viaje al futuro.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/22/2020 at 4:39 PM, Coco_Father said:

BC.Game Slogan Competition


Prize For The Best Slogan Is 1 ETH!


We have been racking our brains trying to come up with the best slogan for BC.Game. A slogan that captures the very essence of what BC.Game is. Since none of us are mature enough to come up with a real slogan that didn’t involve something inappropriate, or in Coco’s case, completely NSFW, we decided to call upon you. Our amazing and creative community that has never once let us down or failed to deliver. So put your collective awesomeness to work and bring us the best slogan you can think of. 


  • 2 slogans maximum per player.  

  • The reward is 1 ETH.

  • If there are two slogans that are very similar, the one that posted first will get the prize.

  • If you edit your post then the timestamp of the edit will be used to determine which post was made first, in the event of similar slogans. 

  • Admins will be the judges.


We look forward to seeing what you can come up with. I know it will be better than mine, which was, “BC.game Gamble Gamble” or Coco’s which I can’t even type because it was so NSFW that I would have to ban myself for repeating it.


Here are some examples, the slogan should be loud and concise

Nike – Just Do It.
Apple – Think Different.
Wendy's – Where's the Beef?
Coca-Cola – Open Happiness.
L'Oreal – Because You're Worth It.
M&Ms – Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands.
De Beers – A Diamond is Forever.
Wheaties – The Breakfast of Champions.

BC.Game - Играй, мечтай, получай! - (BC.Game - Play, dream, get!)

BC.Game - Be.Cool, just play, get bonus - take that!

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On 7/22/2020 at 9:39 PM, Coco_Father said:

BC.Game Slogan Competition


Prize For The Best Slogan Is 1 ETH!


We have been racking our brains trying to come up with the best slogan for BC.Game. A slogan that captures the very essence of what BC.Game is. Since none of us are mature enough to come up with a real slogan that didn’t involve something inappropriate, or in Coco’s case, completely NSFW, we decided to call upon you. Our amazing and creative community that has never once let us down or failed to deliver. So put your collective awesomeness to work and bring us the best slogan you can think of. 


  • 2 slogans maximum per player.  

  • The reward is 1 ETH.

  • If there are two slogans that are very similar, the one that posted first will get the prize.

  • If you edit your post then the timestamp of the edit will be used to determine which post was made first, in the event of similar slogans. 

  • Admins will be the judges.


We look forward to seeing what you can come up with. I know it will be better than mine, which was, “BC.game Gamble Gamble” or Coco’s which I can’t even type because it was so NSFW that I would have to ban myself for repeating it.


Here are some examples, the slogan should be loud and concise

Nike – Just Do It.
Apple – Think Different.
Wendy's – Where's the Beef?
Coca-Cola – Open Happiness.
L'Oreal – Because You're Worth It.
M&Ms – Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands.
De Beers – A Diamond is Forever.
Wheaties – The Breakfast of Champions.

Big Crypto to Wins

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