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Everything posted by BCGame_POP

  1. Update: Now you just need 5 minimum entries to get qualified for the prize pool.
  2. @Magnus520you have to make your point readable. Your presentation is not well formatted for readability. Anyways, am leaving your comment as it is, good luck. The casinos do not rigg or try to manipulate the RNG because it will actually have negative results than positive. If the casino try to manipulate outcome as per the gameplay, few players will identify that and use it for their advantage. So, relying on provable fairness is beneficial for both the Casino and Player as well. The randomness in results and the patterns shocks not only you but also us. One of our player went from 150$ deposit to 400k$, just by doing flat bets on limbo 20x, he landed on a miracle seed, and the seed was consistently giving him profit on this multiplier. We have never seen such a thing before. However, after a huge run his luck ran out. He realised this thing and withdrawn 300k $ profit and never deposited back. One of the most lucky and smartest player I ever came across.
  3. @Magnus520friend you definitely have the right to fight for what you deserve. However, I must say that what you are looking for is pretty pointless. I can only wish you very good luck.
  4. I had to remove your previous response as it was not formatted for readability, you can make another comment which is more readable and relevant.
  5. @Magnus520 do one thing, also find out what are the odds of having a streak of 20,30, 40 reds in row on 1.98x, then run dice for a million rolls. Your answer whether a casino is fair or not will be answered in itself.
  6. We did have plans of trips but due to covid they got postponed indefinitely. However, with the humongous interest from SVIP's, we are bringing some interesting offers for SVIP's related to travel in upcoming days. But, you must be a SVIP for that as advertised and there is no false advertisement in what we advertised, you will see some of our SVIP's making use of those benefits in the upcoming days.
  7. Providers offer 2-3 variations of RTP. And, the RTP has to be set by the Casino. Usually 96(plus minus) is the industry standard RTP. However, Casino can change this if they want to, but it will be displayed on the slot game, it's not something hidden. While we were new to slots on BCGame, we introduced No-Limit City slots, however our Dev accidentally set RTP to 93% instead of 96%, it was clearly visible to everyone, I immediately informed the team and they changed it to industry standard. So, the answer is - YES, the casino can change the RTP but it's not something that's hidden from players. We at BCGame set highest RTP in the industry for all providers. Also, we do not change it frequently, the casino makes pretty good profit on 96 itself, so there is no point in messing around with players and losing credibility.
  8. Hehehe, that will hurt casino business, LOL. Thanks for your appreciation.
  9. Interesting share sir, I will go through it, Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
  10. As mentioned in the article, I will write a detailed article on fairness explaining each and every parameter in my upcoming parts of this series.
  11. It's definitely a matter of trust, and you either trust the casino or understand the provably fair algorithm. Some players don't understand both the elements and continue to gamble and blame the casino without researching. And those gamblers are categorized as clueless gamblers.
  12. One of the articles of this series will be, How Clueless Gamblers can beat the House and walk away with profit. Good luck to you LOL.
  13. This article is a part of a series of articles that I will be writing on the forum, which debunks all the myths associated with Gambling. Gambling is essentially a game of luck, and no strategy is foolproof. If strategies had specific outcomes every single time, all the mathematicians in this world would have been billionaires. We never heard any mathematician or nerds working out some formulas and cracked the mysterious code. There were instances in history where few people used techniques to beat the house - like card counting and identifying a specific period where the bonuses offered by a particular casino or lottery surpassed the house edge. However, these incidents happen extremely rarely, and your funds would be forfeited if you are caught. We often come across instances that raise our eyebrows like: How can I have 20+ reds in a row on 2x on dice? How can a slot game drain my balance indefinitely without giving a win? How can Dice or Limbo give 3 or 4 reds in a row on 1.01x? How does a slot game not pay more than 1x for more than 20+ bonus buys? And the list goes on and on. I will clear a few things about Odds and Probability to give you an understanding of how different events occur in Gambling. 1. Every outcome is independent of the previous result: Take Coin Flip, for example - the odds of heads or tails is 50% for a single roll. Theoretically, for every 100 coin flips, you are supposed to have 50 heads and 50 tails. However, there could be a lot of variance when you practically do it. You might have a specific outcome, Heads or Tails, several times in a row. Flip 1 - The odds of Heads is 50% Flip 2 - The odds of Heads still remains 50% Flip 3 - Still, the odds remains the same for Heads which is 50%. So, on... In practical gambling, this means that when you roll dice on 2x, if you had 4 or 5 reds in a row, it does not necessarily increase your chances of hitting the green on the following rolls. Even on the next roll, the chance of hitting a RED or GREEN remains the same.| However, if you roll it indefinitely, the number of REDS and GREEN will eventually even out. Few common misconceptions on this subject: Does the games payout follow a pattern? No, since every outcome is independent, the new outcome doesn't follow or depend on the previous result. Increasing bet size after a certain number of losses in a row: The bet size doesn't have any impact, as the odds remain the same regardless of your bet amount. This is the reason why every martingale strategy fails at some point. At some point, you will have soo many losses in a row that virtually no bankroll can hold in the long term. 2. Casino manipulates the outcomes of a Game: Casinos do not control anyone's gameplay because they don't have to. A casino already has an advantage over the player(House-Edge). Secondly, you can verify the randomness of bets on our Provable Verification tools(will discuss this subject in a different article extensively). What is House Edge? It's fundamentally a mathematical advantage that a casino has over the players. Take an example of Dice; the house edge of this popular casino game is 1% (lowest in the industry). When you play dice on 50% chance, the payout should be 2x. However, due to house edge, the payout remains 1.98x. This is how the casino makes money on the overall wagered amount in the long term. Usually, original games like Crash, Dice, Limbo, Keno, etc., have a house edge of 1%. Theoretically, you are bound to lose 1$ for every 100$ you wager. Similarly, slot games have an higher house-edge which varies around 1-10%. Does that mean that you can never win at a casino? Many people lose; however, some people win at a casino. This is where Variance and Volatility come into the picture. 3. Variance and Volatility: I will keep it in fundamental terms, and you can do your research about these two terms on Google. Variance - means inconsistency of an outcome. We know that we are bound to have 50 reds and 50 greens on 2x on Dice on average for every 100 rolls. However, this theory occurs when you roll the game indefinitely, and the outcome is very inconsistent in practice for a few 100 rolls, or even several 1000's of rolls. This is how some people have extremely good runs, and some have terrible runs. The variance could be 20%, 30% or maybe more depending on the game and multiplier you chose. Volatility - in gambling refers to how frequently a game pays. Game of Plinko, for example. The odds of hitting a 1000x is around once in every 30,000+ rolls. Which necessarily doesn't mean that you hit a 1000x for every 30k rolls. You have to keep rolling it indefinitely, and at some point the theoretical value matches the practical outcome. If you take a Slot Game like Tombstone RIP by no-limit city, which has a max win potential of 300kx - 85% of all free spins will not be money back(meaning dead spins). That means the remaining 15% of all free spin sessions are filled with most RTP. For example, 15% of the RTP is on hits between 1.500x and 3.500x. If you want to go for the 300.000x win cap, you must hope to upgrade to super freespins (it happens 1/109). RTP stands for Return To Player. Usually, slots have an RTP of around 96%, which means you get back 96$ for every 100$ you spend in a very long term. Casino charges a 4% fee as a part of house edge and entertainment provided. So depending on the game you chose, the volatility or the frequency at which the game pays differs. This is why one of our slot games, Egyptian Adventure, pays less frequently due to its highly volatile nature. Understand the games that you are playing, budget your bankroll accordingly. If you do 1$ spins with a bankroll of 100$ on Tombstone RIP, there is a high chance that your balance will be drained in the next 100-150 rolls. However, if you choose a game like Saviour Sword or Cave, things are entirely different as these games have low payout potential, so they pay very frequently. I am concluding my part 1 on this series and opening the thread for discussion. I will go through all your comments on this topic and get back to them one by one. Feel free to ask any kind of questions on this topic. I will be back with another article on this "Clueless Gamblers" series shortly.
  14. You can post limbo bet today and crash later when you captured it. No problem.
  15. Welcome, do explore our forum, let me know if you have any doubts, will clarify the same.
  16. We already have Roulette Multi-Player version. However, we decided to take the experience to next level with our Roulette Single Player. Do share your experience and feedback about this game in comments below. More details - read full article
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